Peter's Walking Tours and Continuing Education Courses
Exploring Portland's Orange Line MAX: Art, Architecture, History & Transportation
Saturday, February 3, 2024
Course Number: SS417Q/SS517Q 1 Credit $140
There can be additional materials and entrance fees. Check with the instructor for specific details for this class.
In this exciting new class, we‘ll explore the entire 7.3 mile length of the new Orange Light Rail MAX line, as it extends from the city of Milwaukie to Portland State University in SW Portland.. Along the way, we’ll discover local neighborhoods from Milwaukie to PSU, where we will examine the area’s amazing new artwork, natural areas along the Willamette River, a diversity of architecture and a wealth of local history. In addition, we will explore the new Tilikum Crossing Bridge, the first bridge in the nation designed specifically for public transportation vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles. Most importantly, we’ll discuss ways to bring the study of art, nature, local history, culture, transportation and recreation to our students through meaningful classroom lessons and on field trips. Our adventures will provide ideas that will energize history, science, math, writing and art activities across the curriculum in K-12 classrooms.
Exploring North Clark County's Natural Areas: Human and Natural History
Sunday, February 4, 2024
Course Number TBA 1 Credit $140
There can be additional materials and entrance fees. Check with the instructor for specific details for this class.
In this exciting new class, we’ll discover some of North Clark County’s most important natural and historical sites. Along the way, we will learn to identify a variety of native bird species while exploring the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, a wild and beautiful site located not far from the Columbia River. We will also discover native trees, plants and waterfalls on visits to the Lucia and Moulton Falls Trails. In addition, we’ll learn about the unique geology of this region of the northwest when visiting Battle Ground Lake, a caldera existing from volcanic activity. Most importantly, we’ll discuss ways to bring the study of nature and local history to our students through meaningful classroom lessons and field trips. Our adventures will provide ideas that will energize history, science, math and art activities across the curriculum in K-12 classrooms.
Historic Champoeg and the North Willamette Valley
Saturday-Sunday, February 10-11
Course Number HI402K or HI502K 2 Credits $250
There can be additional materials and entrance fees. Check with the instructor for specific details for this class.
In this fun and informative class, we will focus on environmental sciences and local history as we tour parks and historic sites in the North Willamette Valley. Visits to Champoeg Park, the Aurora Colony Museum, the Grove of the States and wetlands areas and parklands in Wilsonville will provide teachers with lots of ideas for classroom lessons and field trips.